Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Christian persecution to Christian

Christians are baptised, disciples and believer of gospel of Christ Jesus, son of the living God.

Many of us doesn't know much about how to become a good Christian... Many Christian call themselves Christian because their parents belong to one, and they too may have been baptised or have belong to Christian churches long time ago, now lost the desire to be with any congregation. Whatever reason we dont know, they too have their individual battle.

Even though we call ourselves Christian we know we fought a lot through our differences and beliefs. I would like to share with you all my point of being a Christian. And you can share yours too.

I grow up in a very poor family with very little education about faith while growing up. As my mother or father are not active Catholic, although we all baptised as Catholic, we all consider ourselves Catholic. At the age of 4 I already feel the love of the Mass, the Church, the thoughts of many angels, God, Jesus and Mother Mary and the Saints... Me and my older sister May who is only 1 year older than I am we go to church every Sunday since I was 4 1/2 years old, we walked with neighbours to the church about a mile oneway... walking that dusty highway. Sometimes we manage to go by ourselves. With permission by our mama ofcourse, and she will tell us to be careful on the road because their a lot of trucks and Jeepneys... at the age of 9 I got my first confession at Kiwalan Elementary school and my first confession... without parents supervision... it is just a compulsory thing done by the Parish, 4th year student of Sacred Heart High school was our Cathecist, they come every 11am twice a week. Their mission is to teach us to pray and get us to know Jesus... learn the prayers and love God. To be good children...

In high school in spite of the hardship we went through mama and papa was compilled to send us to Catholic school so we will get a better education, because Catholic school always teaches virtues, to be come good children. And because discipline is a lot better in school that their is God's love being taught.

In college at public Universities there comes variety of people with diversity in tradition, ethnicity and religions. Smarter kids with no religious background are obcourse are visibly indiffirence and often mocked the kids with religious reasoning, up to the point of oppressing other kids who wants to be good... but they always want to come and argue with those kids about their belief. I would say they too would want to believe what the religious kids believe. Because it is true that having to have a religion of good is unparallel and contigeous. Specially those that walk and apply the faith in every way... good. But evil is always going to join the turture... most people doesn't want to believe that this is the case.

Now being grown up, raise ourself with the faith and arm ourself with the knowledge of love and care for others and spread the good news to those even despice you, done that... but the hardest of all is when you met people who are Christians and drags you down so much because their degree of faith is somewhat "neutral" which is actually dangerous.... because for me being a Christian cannot be partial, because you cannot be good and at thesame time bad... because Jesus said if you already making progress with your faith and your doing good and then boom! you become bad... your good works in no good, all that you work so hard will just vanish and get contaminated. Some people of Christian faith will oppress fellow Christians... as if their Jesus is not my Jesus... how can this be?

Some people would even tell me "you can't be too religious", as if they trying to tell you, "you can't love God so much", you can't be good or you become useless in their eyes... or you can't be too religious or you will lose all your friends".... How can this be? Obcourse you suffer so much... because you know you can't make them understand what you are going through or your convictions, because they cannot comprehend it, although Grace is up for grab so they can have what you have, but ofcourse a person who is mad and armed with hatred cannot understand any reason anymore, theirs no used of saying any words... than to just take it in all the abuse and oppressions and persecutions..."forgive them Lord as they didn't know what they do"...

As Christian who have deeper understanding and humility,patient and perseverance they are used to this maltreatment and abuse because they can offer this for the sinners suffering for their conversion.

We can reflect also the lives of the Saints, because of their love for God most of them if not 99% died a horrible death, defending their love for God. This made me cry... how long will we endure the persecution of our fellow Christians? How long will we live in errors? How long will we deny wisdom of God to live a virtuous life? How long will be in protest to become good? How long will we remain hard and foolish and stupid were we are given intelligence to choose from right and wrong?.

Love should begin now...

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