Friday, October 23, 2009


I promise in my previous blog that I will write more about the Sacraments the Holy Catholic Church have. Before I enumerate each one I have to say there are 7 Sacraments needed for man to fulfilled in his lifetime before we go back to God.

1. Baptism 2.Eucharist 3.Reconciliation 4. Confirmation 5 Marriage 6. Holy Order 7. Anointing the Sick. All this is a Holy gift, because it was given to the church to make us "clean" spiritually. I promise I will make it short and brief. Why Baptism can clean, it is becuase through the baptism of the water, the original sin was removed.
The Eucharist is the food of our soul, as a small children learning Cathecism they know that this sacraments prepare us to receive Jesus in communion. This alone can make us holy especially when we recieved Jesus as often as everyday throughout our life time. It is also very important to remember to receive Jesus with a contrite heart (no mortal sin) or we are throwing Jesus to the den of lions.

The reconciliation is basically the confession, why we must confess our sins to the Priest. Because this is the way to humble ourselves before the representative of God. (to ask to be forgiven, and be granteed absolution of ones sins). Some people will tell you that you can confess directly to God, yeah sure, nothing is hidden from Him, He knows every detail of your sins, but Jesus told sister Faustina how important this is to our soul, and that we should not be afraid to tell the Priest how sorry we are of committing all those sins, and that Jesus Himself is standing behind the Priest when we come in humility to make amends with God through confession... Jesus promise to anoint the words of the Priest. (Many times in the gospel we read sinners who come to Jesus in confession and received alsolution of their sins. When Jesus build His church with Peter He give this task to His representative, to His Priest.... ordain by Jesus Himself to forgive sins.)

Now the Confirmation, we are anointed with the Holy Spirit. And here we are anoited to do a bigger responsibility to be the Apostles of Christ, and we recieved the 7 the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and Holy fear of the Lord. These are vast to discuss here and I leave these for you to do some home work online what are these things for better understanding.

Marriage is the union of man and woman, holy because God wants us all become Holy family or else we are no difference from of animals, and since the union of man and woman is a "sign of faithful love" and the source of that Love is God, for He is love Himself. Not a carnal love, or lust love. This is why marriage is not for woman to woman or man to man, period. Or else the real essence of this sacrament will be in mockery.

Holy Order, is for special vocation to serve the Lord, the Priesthood... but this is not only limited only to Priesthood, it also applies to the vocation of being a nun or parents. Parenting is also a vocation because they raise children and mold the body and mind of children, for the good of soul (a life time commitment). You see everything is in line for holiness....

The anointing the sick, or the last rite, you all know what this does... people who are dying received this sacrament, this is healing, not just for physical healing but also for the soul. Some people who are dying, will strengthen physically too, [ many times, dying people restored their lives in another couple of years after getting this sacrament]... if one dies with this sacrament, their soul will be restored to life eternally.

Other Christians have only 3 sacraments, like baptism, marriage, some kinda Holy order. They omitted some of sacraments because they thought the rest are not applicable to them, they dont have confirmation because its not necessary to received this, it became automatic for others, and most small Christians dont believe on confessions. And they don't have Eucharist either, although they have same memorial of the last supper but they cannot comprehend the real presence of Jesus and the transubstantiation is still in question in many churches... But I'm not here to reproach them, in fact some of our brother and sister in Christ having 3 or 4 Sacraments they are a lot better than most Catholics... God loves them thesame and no distinctions. So therefore I would say freely that the Catholics being given so much that they should not shrink in their faith. Instead must strive to live and use all the 7 sacraments and put it to active work in our lives. The sacaments are the holy tools to ascend to holiness, sainthood which is "perfection"....

The gifts if not use become stagnant, although its not useless, but it must be in cooperation with our will to become holy and rightfully be called Christians. Like Jesus have said on faith, 'faith that has no works is dead'. Sacraments that is taken and is not in used and applied is also dead.

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