Tuesday, September 27, 2011

THE NEW MOVEMENT: Lay Apostles of Jesus Christ The Returning King

“From now on, I will think of you as my apostles”
Jesus, Vol. 10, page 13

Lay apostles are key players in God’s plan to reclaim His world. Our mission is to allow Jesus to flow through us into the world, bringing His light to souls who live in darkness.


You can. All you have to do is say "yes" to God's invitation to serve Him. Your religious education or affiliation doesn't matter. Nor does anything you've done in your past life. All that matters is your willingness to serve.

“Dear servants of the returning King, you will not be sorry you sacrificed for Me. During the whole of your eternity, you will reap the rewards for having done so. In a time when few understand the concept of sacrifice, you are giving of yourselves, day after day, to bring about My goals. You are serving Me and you are serving your fellow man. How many can say that during these days?”
Jesus, Volume Ten, Page 39


A lay apostle walks closely with Jesus throughout each day. The first goal is the personal movement toward unity with Jesus. In other words, we concentrate first on our own holiness and the perfection of our own souls. We do this through our vocations as mothers, fathers, priests, religious, single people, daughters, sons, sisters and brothers. We serve Jesus through service to others. We learn to love Jesus through loving others. We become united to Jesus by treating others with His love and gentleness. We bring kindness back to the world by behaving as though we lived in the heavenly kingdom, which of course, we do.

Some souls pray a great deal, but do not love. This is not unity to Christ. This is unity to prayer. But the goal of prayer is unity with Christ. Christ is love. Prayer brings us to love, to softer hearts, to forgiveness and patient service to others.

Lay apostles seek to live this message of love and kindness.

Some apostles will be called to spread the Volumes. Some apostles will be called to support the mission in prayer. Some are called to suffer in obscurity, with only Jesus as the witness to their soul’s constant progress. Everyone will be called. Everyone is chosen to serve.

"Do not ask if you are called to serve. Assume you are called to serve. The fruits of this mission are magnificent and will increase daily. Serve, My beloved apostles, serve." Jesus, May 24, 2005

If you feel called to share this mission with family, friends, or those around you, consider giving a presentation in your local area. This type of grassroots effort has already helped to spread the mission around the world. Jesus will do all of the work. His Spirit will open the hearts of those who are called to serve. You'll find most people hungry for God's love. Offer to share a copy of your Volumes or the other books, or keep a small quantity on hand just to pass along to needy souls. Every time you speak of the messages, you are as much an apostle as the original Twelve sent by Jesus to bring His Word to villages and towns across Judea and Galilee.

You can begin each day by praying the Allegiance Prayer and the Morning Offering:

Dear God in Heaven, I pledge my allegiance to You. I give You my life, my work and my heart. In turn, give me the grace of obeying Your every direction to the fullest extent.

O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You the prayers, works, joys and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in reparation for my sins, and for the intentions of the Holy Father. Amen.


1. Lead by example.
Read the Volumes and work on your spiritual life. Come close to Christ through daily prayer, frequent attendance at Mass and the Eucharist, monthly Confession, weekly Adoration, participation in a prayer group (if available), and reading the Scriptures.

2. Sow seeds.
Many lay apostles enjoy introducing their friends, relatives and strangers to the Volumes. Talk about the effect they have had on your life. Jesus says all you have to do is open the door a crack and He will do the rest.

3. Be a pillar of calm and strength.
One of the many rewards of the Volumes is the amount of calm and strength that pours into your soul as you read over the pages. When you take these messages to heart, your priorities change. Things that used to stress you out no longer do. A contagious air of calm begins to emanate from you to those about you. In times of trouble, be the oasis of peace that draws others to Jesus.

4. Choose your own level of involvement.
Your apostleship may be a strictly private one where you live the mission in your heart, pursuing unity with Christ through your vocation. On the other hand, you may want to become involved in a more public way, working at the parish level, with DFOT itself, or with groups you organize or join, sharing your talents and services where God determines He needs them most. One of the beautiful parts of this mission is that Jesus is calling you to serve, in most cases, exactly where He has placed you.

“All that you need is yours. All of heaven, dear apostles, will be yours.”
Jesus, Volume Ten, Page 40

“Together we will do the greatest things for heaven.”
Jesus, Volume Ten, Page 41

Lay Apostolate of Jesus Christ the Returning King
In April, 2005, Our Lord revealed to Anne a set of guidelines for those called to assist in the work of the mission. Anne's bishop then gave permission for the formation of The Lay Apostolate of Jesus Christ the Returning King. Their mission is to serve as conduits of divine grace, spreading the messages of the Volumes throughout the earth.

Any soul may become a lay apostle through the simple daily act of saying "Yes" to Jesus and His will. There are no investiture ceremonies or titles. Lay apostles are encouraged to work for Jesus through their families, their vocations, and their daily interactions with others.

Lay apostles of Jesus Christ the Returning King agree to perform the basic obligations as practicing Catholics. Additionally, they adopt the following spiritual practices, as best they can:
Morning Offering along with the Allegiance Prayer and a brief prayer for the Holy Father
One hour of Eucharistic Adoration each week
Participation in a monthly lay apostle prayer group, which includes the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary and a reading of the monthly message
Monthly Confession
Commitment to follow the example of Jesus Christ as set out in Holy Scripture, treating all others with His patience and kindness
Many of us have embraced the spiritual practices Jesus asks of us as Lay Apostles of Jesus Christ the Returning King. Our office often receives requests for information on other lay apostles in their area, so that they might form a prayer group or receive other prayerful support. If you would like to let us know that you have committed to being a Lay Apostle of Jesus Christ the Returning King, simply click here to download the Lay Apostle Commitment form. Please complete the form and send it to the DFOT office located closest to you.

On the first of every month, Our Lord gives Anne a new message about His call to service.

September 1, 2011


Dear apostles, it is with joy that I speak with you today. When I contemplate your fidelity to My plan for mercy, I feel joy. When I contemplate your fidelity to holiness, I feel joy. Do not pause in your commitment to becoming holier. This calm movement into the Spirit of gentleness and kindness should help you to view others with compassion, yes, but also yourself. Do you view yourself with compassion? Do you offer kindness and mercy toward yourself when you contemplate your condition? My friends, My dearest friends, be careful to view yourself as I view you. Be careful not to view yourself in harsh light that seeks to condemn. If you are tempted against mercy for yourself, then truly, you are tempted against truth. Because it is only with mercy and love that I greet your present condition and your attempts to advance in holiness. I am love. I could hardly ask you to love others and then withhold love from you. That would be a flawed plan, destined to fail. My plan is perfect. I give you a receptive heart, you receive My love in abundance, and then stand for Heaven to be a well on earth which both stores and distributes love. Beloved apostle, search your heart today. If you do not find mercy and compassion for yourself in your heart, come to Me at once and ask Me to give these things to you. My plan for you and for the world will not advance as quickly as necessary if you do not accept your present condition and understand My perfect love for you. Your potential for holiness has not yet been fully achieved, of course, and I want you to advance. And I ask that you do so in confidence, joy and hope. Rejoice. I am with you.

Christian persecution to Christian

Christians are baptised, disciples and believer of gospel of Christ Jesus, son of the living God.

Many of us doesn't know much about how to become a good Christian... Many Christian call themselves Christian because their parents belong to one, and they too may have been baptised or have belong to Christian churches long time ago, now lost the desire to be with any congregation. Whatever reason we dont know, they too have their individual battle.

Even though we call ourselves Christian we know we fought a lot through our differences and beliefs. I would like to share with you all my point of being a Christian. And you can share yours too.

I grow up in a very poor family with very little education about faith while growing up. As my mother or father are not active Catholic, although we all baptised as Catholic, we all consider ourselves Catholic. At the age of 4 I already feel the love of the Mass, the Church, the thoughts of many angels, God, Jesus and Mother Mary and the Saints... Me and my older sister May who is only 1 year older than I am we go to church every Sunday since I was 4 1/2 years old, we walked with neighbours to the church about a mile oneway... walking that dusty highway. Sometimes we manage to go by ourselves. With permission by our mama ofcourse, and she will tell us to be careful on the road because their a lot of trucks and Jeepneys... at the age of 9 I got my first confession at Kiwalan Elementary school and my first confession... without parents supervision... it is just a compulsory thing done by the Parish, 4th year student of Sacred Heart High school was our Cathecist, they come every 11am twice a week. Their mission is to teach us to pray and get us to know Jesus... learn the prayers and love God. To be good children...

In high school in spite of the hardship we went through mama and papa was compilled to send us to Catholic school so we will get a better education, because Catholic school always teaches virtues, to be come good children. And because discipline is a lot better in school that their is God's love being taught.

In college at public Universities there comes variety of people with diversity in tradition, ethnicity and religions. Smarter kids with no religious background are obcourse are visibly indiffirence and often mocked the kids with religious reasoning, up to the point of oppressing other kids who wants to be good... but they always want to come and argue with those kids about their belief. I would say they too would want to believe what the religious kids believe. Because it is true that having to have a religion of good is unparallel and contigeous. Specially those that walk and apply the faith in every way... good. But evil is always going to join the turture... most people doesn't want to believe that this is the case.

Now being grown up, raise ourself with the faith and arm ourself with the knowledge of love and care for others and spread the good news to those even despice you, done that... but the hardest of all is when you met people who are Christians and drags you down so much because their degree of faith is somewhat "neutral" which is actually dangerous.... because for me being a Christian cannot be partial, because you cannot be good and at thesame time bad... because Jesus said if you already making progress with your faith and your doing good and then boom! you become bad... your good works in no good, all that you work so hard will just vanish and get contaminated. Some people of Christian faith will oppress fellow Christians... as if their Jesus is not my Jesus... how can this be?

Some people would even tell me "you can't be too religious", as if they trying to tell you, "you can't love God so much", you can't be good or you become useless in their eyes... or you can't be too religious or you will lose all your friends".... How can this be? Obcourse you suffer so much... because you know you can't make them understand what you are going through or your convictions, because they cannot comprehend it, although Grace is up for grab so they can have what you have, but ofcourse a person who is mad and armed with hatred cannot understand any reason anymore, theirs no used of saying any words... than to just take it in all the abuse and oppressions and persecutions..."forgive them Lord as they didn't know what they do"...

As Christian who have deeper understanding and humility,patient and perseverance they are used to this maltreatment and abuse because they can offer this for the sinners suffering for their conversion.

We can reflect also the lives of the Saints, because of their love for God most of them if not 99% died a horrible death, defending their love for God. This made me cry... how long will we endure the persecution of our fellow Christians? How long will we live in errors? How long will we deny wisdom of God to live a virtuous life? How long will be in protest to become good? How long will we remain hard and foolish and stupid were we are given intelligence to choose from right and wrong?.

Love should begin now...

Friday, October 23, 2009


I promise in my previous blog that I will write more about the Sacraments the Holy Catholic Church have. Before I enumerate each one I have to say there are 7 Sacraments needed for man to fulfilled in his lifetime before we go back to God.

1. Baptism 2.Eucharist 3.Reconciliation 4. Confirmation 5 Marriage 6. Holy Order 7. Anointing the Sick. All this is a Holy gift, because it was given to the church to make us "clean" spiritually. I promise I will make it short and brief. Why Baptism can clean, it is becuase through the baptism of the water, the original sin was removed.
The Eucharist is the food of our soul, as a small children learning Cathecism they know that this sacraments prepare us to receive Jesus in communion. This alone can make us holy especially when we recieved Jesus as often as everyday throughout our life time. It is also very important to remember to receive Jesus with a contrite heart (no mortal sin) or we are throwing Jesus to the den of lions.

The reconciliation is basically the confession, why we must confess our sins to the Priest. Because this is the way to humble ourselves before the representative of God. (to ask to be forgiven, and be granteed absolution of ones sins). Some people will tell you that you can confess directly to God, yeah sure, nothing is hidden from Him, He knows every detail of your sins, but Jesus told sister Faustina how important this is to our soul, and that we should not be afraid to tell the Priest how sorry we are of committing all those sins, and that Jesus Himself is standing behind the Priest when we come in humility to make amends with God through confession... Jesus promise to anoint the words of the Priest. (Many times in the gospel we read sinners who come to Jesus in confession and received alsolution of their sins. When Jesus build His church with Peter He give this task to His representative, to His Priest.... ordain by Jesus Himself to forgive sins.)

Now the Confirmation, we are anointed with the Holy Spirit. And here we are anoited to do a bigger responsibility to be the Apostles of Christ, and we recieved the 7 the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and Holy fear of the Lord. These are vast to discuss here and I leave these for you to do some home work online what are these things for better understanding.

Marriage is the union of man and woman, holy because God wants us all become Holy family or else we are no difference from of animals, and since the union of man and woman is a "sign of faithful love" and the source of that Love is God, for He is love Himself. Not a carnal love, or lust love. This is why marriage is not for woman to woman or man to man, period. Or else the real essence of this sacrament will be in mockery.

Holy Order, is for special vocation to serve the Lord, the Priesthood... but this is not only limited only to Priesthood, it also applies to the vocation of being a nun or parents. Parenting is also a vocation because they raise children and mold the body and mind of children, for the good of soul (a life time commitment). You see everything is in line for holiness....

The anointing the sick, or the last rite, you all know what this does... people who are dying received this sacrament, this is healing, not just for physical healing but also for the soul. Some people who are dying, will strengthen physically too, [ many times, dying people restored their lives in another couple of years after getting this sacrament]... if one dies with this sacrament, their soul will be restored to life eternally.

Other Christians have only 3 sacraments, like baptism, marriage, some kinda Holy order. They omitted some of sacraments because they thought the rest are not applicable to them, they dont have confirmation because its not necessary to received this, it became automatic for others, and most small Christians dont believe on confessions. And they don't have Eucharist either, although they have same memorial of the last supper but they cannot comprehend the real presence of Jesus and the transubstantiation is still in question in many churches... But I'm not here to reproach them, in fact some of our brother and sister in Christ having 3 or 4 Sacraments they are a lot better than most Catholics... God loves them thesame and no distinctions. So therefore I would say freely that the Catholics being given so much that they should not shrink in their faith. Instead must strive to live and use all the 7 sacraments and put it to active work in our lives. The sacaments are the holy tools to ascend to holiness, sainthood which is "perfection"....

The gifts if not use become stagnant, although its not useless, but it must be in cooperation with our will to become holy and rightfully be called Christians. Like Jesus have said on faith, 'faith that has no works is dead'. Sacraments that is taken and is not in used and applied is also dead.

Jesus Our Nourishment

Oh! to remained in the state of grace is to remain with Jesus. Many of us cannot comprehend that thoughts. And I will elaborate a little bit further quoting the perfect words of Jesus about this things, as His words is perfect and I would not try to change a bit on it, so the soul that reads this will come to understand Jesus and without me in it... so here we go:

This is the nourishment that I recommend for consumption.

"If you live in Me, and My Doctrine lives in you, you will receive whatever you ask for."

I descend into you and I become your nourishment. But, being the Center that I am, I attract you towards Myself. You nourish yourselves with Me, but for a greater reason I nourish Myself with you. Our two appetites are insatiable and continuous. The vine nourishes the buds. The buds shape the vine. Water swells the oceans, but it is the oceans that give water by evaporating into clouds and descending again in the form of rain. That is why you must remain in Me, as I remain in you. Our separation would bring death, not my death, but yours.

I am nourishment for the spirit and nourishment for the mind. The spirit nourishes itself on the Flesh of a God. All that is an emanation of God can only receive nourishment from God, who is the mold that formed it. Your mind nourishes itself on My Word, which is the Thought of God.

Your own mind! Intelligence is what makes you resemble to God. In intelligence, there is memory, understanding, and also will. As in the spirit there is a resemblance to God in being a free and immortal spirit.

Your own mind must be nourished by My Doctrine, to be capable of memory, understanding, and will for what is good. My Doctrine reminds you of the kindnesses and the works of God, it reminds you who God is, and what you owe Him. It causes you to understand goodness, and to discern evil. It gives you the will to do good. Without My doctrine you become slaves of other doctrines that carry the name of "doctrine", but are only fables, and, like ships deprived of their rudders and without a compass, you head for a shipwreck. You go off the pre-established course. How, then, can you say: "God abandoned me" if its you who abandoned God?

Remain in Me. If you do not remain in Me, it means that you hate Me. And My Father will give the same back to you because whoever hates Me, hates the Father, since the Father and I make only one God. Remain in Me. Act in such a way that the Father will not be able to make the distinction between the tree and its branch, because of the sap that unites them and permits them to form one inseparable being. Act so the Father can't determine where I end and where you begin, we are so much alike. Whoever loves ends up by borrowing the expressions, the ways, the gestures of the person who is loved."..... Jesus...

[I will speak more of the Holy Eucharist in my own understanding on it, as simple as I perceived and believed. I read and take in what I believe is true, because I also believe that the Holy Spirit guides us to the truth, because I pray and adore Jesus and God the Father... Now, the Holy Eucharist is the real body and blood of Christ, letterally... veil with the white form of bread, contains the real Jesus...after the Priest prayed over it called the transubtantiation, you can believe it. Because if we can conceived the thoughts and knowledge of replications that we are only human, how much more GOD, who thought everything that exist in this whole universe, nay, just around us to be specific. And I will give all the credits back to God... then Jesus is trully in every pieces of bread... I would not say it is symbolism because its not a symbol at all. It is what it is! Many Eucharistic miracle have happened all over the world that have photos and the Holy Eucharist bleeds and pulsates. They brought them to the high tech laboratory and examin them, they all prove that it is alive.

Therefore I am fully convinced that Jesus is alive in us when we recieved Him in communion. This is our Jesus our nourishment.]

Jesus Second Coming

The first thing we can ask to our selves is are we ready for the second coming of Jesus? Most of us are still idle, chasing winds, and gathering the trifles of the earth. Living life like theirs no tomorrow... But I'm not here to reproach anyone but hope to enlighten ones mind and awaken their awareness of cleaning up ourselves, washing our clothes and preparing our garlands and make sure our oil lamp is burning and always we are vigilant in Jesus coming. Because we dont know when He is coming. Jesus promise us though, that He surely will come back... the hour is near, He had given us so much graces and ways to wash ourselves and get clean that on His return, so we will be ready to face Him.

"Through penance, we can wash, detoxicates, cures and recomposes our poor souls. And with the help of God, who does not refuses assistance to anyone who ask Him for a holy help, and through his own will elevated to super heroism".

"With untiring penance, relentless against his sinful ego, he will take his soul back to the freshenss of a child. A new freshness, made precious by experience which makes him the master of other people who were once like him, that is, sinners."

Practice humility- "Humility is the candid veil worn to defend the good we do and good God grants us". "We must not be proud of the previleded love granted to us by God, nor seek foolish human glory. The gift would be taken away at once. But from the depth of our hearts we must sing to our God."

"A soul must weave its daily garland of virtuous deeds, because nothing withered or slovenly looking is to appear in the presence of the Most High. Also the flesh of man nourished with faith seems to become brighter and more spiritual, even in this world. "-Jesus

Be Prayerful, everything we need is made available from the source, GOD... to possess God in daily life is trully the 'constant will to feed that light forever' as Jesus described...

The Catholic church has everything we need to redeem our soul from the corruption of the world. And that is the sacraments. I would like to elaborate the sacraments on my next blog.

You will wonder why we have to go through so much to get "cleaned" because it is required, as we are living in world of filth; it is hard to imagine we dont get contaminated with these filth- sins.... from sinful thoughts down to the words that comes out our mouth every moment, to our writings and the from our violations of the Laws of God. One might say we never violate any of those... we never covet our neighbors wives, we did not steal, we rest on Sunday,... but we are only human, slackish, get bored on praying and lazy in helping other people or deny many times to be obedient even our parents... no one is perfect... although its not impossible to ascend to perfection if we desire it, and through prayers Jesus helps, the saints can help us with their intercessory prayers for us infront of our God. The angels also can pray for us if we ask them to pray for us. Our number one intercessor, to come closer to Jesus is Mother Mary, through the rosary... the rosary contents so much graces that we dont even able to comprehend by our human mind. But our soul can perceive it because we begin to live a different prospectives in life... Prayers is like food that sustain our body, mind and soul... and good deeds is our fuel to fire up to ascend that ladder to holiness and to climb some more as to reach that height of perfection "with prudence, perseverance, purity, confidence, so that may be always ready for God's call, because you really do not know when Jesus will come."